Lifestyles and New Marketing Mix (4Es) affecting on Buying intention and repurchase intention for Food from Food Truck

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Kanravee Anuntaakalakul


This research aims to 1) study buying intention behavior and repurchase intention for Food from Food Truck 2) study Lifestyles (Activities, Interests, and Opinions) affecting buying intention and repurchase intention 3) study new marketing mix (4Es: Experience, Everyplace, Exchange, and Evangelism) affecting on buying intention and repurchase intention. This research collected data from 400 respondents who used to buy food from Food Truck and analyzed data by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis.

Research findings revealed that respondents have both buying and repurchasing intentions for Food from Food Truck at medium levels. Most of them purchased from tourist places, favored types of food; hamburgers, pizza, tacos, and Hotdog, and favored takeaway. Hypothesis testing found that both Lifestyle factors and new marketing mix (4Es) affected buying and repurchase intentions. Research suggests that Food truck entrepreneurs should emphasize on design of car style, creation of colorful food menus, seller’s dress, atmosphere of music, unique & outstanding packaging, variety of prices, emphasis on communication through social media, concern about hygiene and healthy food, create various menus of international cuisine, create their own identity and building the brands. The public sector should provide parking places for the Food Trucks in tourist attractions and organize Food Truck festivals for their selling opportunities.       

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