Postmodern Education Philosophy Concepts for the Development of Education in a Post-modern Society

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Ratchadaporn Ketanon


Education is one of the tools for human development, we use philosophy to lay the foundation or a guideline for education management which must be appropriate to the social context. Nowadays, our Thai society has entered a postmodern era. Therefore, the postmodern paradigm or idea would be different from before. From the idea of belief, there is only one truth, that causes people to cling to, which is not conducive to the development of society, especially the multicultural Thai society and people that are filled with diversity which can lead to conflicts of thought that lead to unrest in society. The postmodern paradigm should therefore change. Human beings should look at the world with understanding and accept diversity, reduce identity, reduce clinging, and educational philosophy that will help encourage humans to reduce self-confidence and alleviate conflicts that could lead to unrest. It is an educational philosophy that encourages belief in change. There is not only one knowledge of truth and the search for truthful knowledge occurs by using the senses in actual practice. Education in this era should focus on the matter of practice. Encourage learners to have the opportunity to learn by themselves. The appropriate educational philosophy in the postmodern era is Pragmatism, which is an educational philosophy that focuses on learners seeking knowledge by themselves through practice, experimentation, tangible, and self-proving. The knowledge gained is called experience. This kind of knowledge will be with you and is the knowledge that leads to accepting change and loosening your self-confidence.

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