Guidelines for developing a positive management strategy for sustainability of Marndaniramon Credit Union Cooperative Limited, Chanthaburi Province

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arungiat chansongsaeng
Kwansiri Charoensup
Theerangkoon Warabamrungkul
Reongwit Nilkote
Waiwoot Boonloy


The objectives of this research were 1) To study the current situation of the cooperative and 2) To propose guidelines for developing a positive management strategy for the sustainability of Marndaniramol Credit Union Cooperative, Limited, Chanthaburi Province. Using action research methods The group of key informants and a research team operating within the area by means of purposive selection consisted of 30 people: 14 cooperative committee members, 1 manager 2 officials, and 13 members.

The results of the research found that There were 3 main factors affecting credit unions: 1) The number of members has decreased because the proportion of members aged 50 years and over is 65 percent and there is a death rate. 2) Debt repayment of borrower members is in a state of delinquency below the criteria and 3) Member services are delayed. Guidelines for developing a positive management strategy for sustainability of credit union cooperatives found that 1) Positive management strategy for sustainability based on the concept of balanced management has 4 perspectives: Learning and development,  Internal process, Budget and resource, and Member 2) Results of inspection and confirmation By experts in the fields of utility, accuracy, feasibility, and suitability were at a high level and 3) Two high-priority projects to trial, including a financial health care clinic for members who have defaulted on their debt payments and the project to send happiness and encouragement to elderly and sick members, it was found that the evaluation results were at a very high level for both projects.

 Suggestions: Guidelines for developing positive management strategies for the sustainability of credit unions. Cooperative can be applied to various organizational groups aiming for excellence in organizational management development.

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