Decision Making on Hotel Selection through Online System of Thai Tourists in the Andaman Province Area

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Nattawut Maopraman


The purpose of the research was to study the behavior of people using the internet for reservations. Comparison of demographics and internet usage behavior in making reservations. Comparison of demographics and internet usage behavior in making reservations. It was survey research using a questionnaire of 400 people. Confidence was tested by Cronbach's Alpha coefficient method. The confidence value was 0.97. The data analysis statistics were mean percentage and standard deviation. Compared by using statistics, F-test, and t-test. This research employed a questionnaire survey technique. The results were found as follows: (1) Internet usage behavior Most of them use the internet every week, every day. used for less than 1 hour at a time. The number of bookings is less than 2 per month. With the number and percentage of online reservations longer than 4 weeks, they choose because it's cheaper. Payment via transfer via applications such as Mobile Banking/Prompt pay and accommodation per night is less than 1,000 baht; (2) When comparing the demographic data, it was found that the age difference between education level and the average monthly income affected the decision. Gender and occupation had no effect on the decision, and (3) Comparison of the decision to use the service classified by internet usage behavior found that the difference in internet usage per week Length of internet usage per time The number of times to choose a hotel's online payment method and the price of an accommodation per night affect the decision to use the hotel. For the period, reserve a room online in advance. Websites are used to reserve hotels on a regular basis, and the reason for choosing to use the website service does not affect the decision to use the service. statistically significant at the 0.05 level.

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How to Cite
Maopraman, N. (2021). Decision Making on Hotel Selection through Online System of Thai Tourists in the Andaman Province Area. Rajapark Journal, 15(43), 211–225. retrieved from
Research Article


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