Situations, Needs and Guidelines for the Development of School Learning Organization Under the Office of Mukdahan Primary Educational Service Area

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Marisa Phonwongsa
Sumalee Sriputtarin
Jaruwan Kheawnamchum


This research aimed to study 1.  The current state and the desirable state of being a school's learning organization. 2. Assess the needs and requirements for the development of the school's learning organization. 3. Develop guidelines for the development of a school learning organization Under the Office of Mukdahan Primary Educational Service Area by research Research & Development (R&D). The sample group used in the study were school administrators and teachers, totaling 469 people. The sample size was determined by comparing the tables of Krejcie and Morgan by stratified random sampling. There are 4 data collection tools which are: (1) Current Condition Questionnaire, (2) Desirable Condition Questionnaire, (3) Structured Interview Form, and (4) assessment form for the appropriateness and feasibility of the guidelines for developing the operation of being a learning organization of the school. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and modified priority needs index (PNImodified). The research results were found as follows; 1) current and desirable conditions Overall, it was at a high level. 2) Necessary needs. found that the higher side the total value, in descending order, was the aspect of team-based learning. systematic thinking in terms of having a shared vision and 3) the results of the assessment of the school's development as a learning organization as a whole, it was found that the overall suitability was at the highest level and was feasible. Overall, it's at a high level.

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How to Cite
Phonwongsa, M., Sriputtarin, S., & Kheawnamchum, J. (2022). Situations, Needs and Guidelines for the Development of School Learning Organization Under the Office of Mukdahan Primary Educational Service Area. Rajapark Journal, 16(46), 162–178. retrieved from
Research Article


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