Innovation Ecosystem in a School Aiming to Develop Student Innovators

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Surat Tanprasertkul
Taweesil Koolnaphadol
Somboon Burasirirak


The purpose of this research is to study the current state and future of the innovation ecosystem which aims to develop student innovators in Thailand and to draw and illustrate the figure of the future innovation ecosystem. A total of 17 participants were recruited from schools that had implemented an innovation ecosystem using purposive sampling by adopting a concept sampling strategy. This study used semi-structured interviews to collect data and implemented a research technique, known as Ethnographic Delphi Futures Research (EDFR) in which the analysis involved the median and interquartile range (IR). The results of this study showed that the innovation ecosystem consisted of three components: actors, activities, and artifacts. All of the opinions of the participants were consistent with each other in perceiving the significance of these three components at the highest level. Finally, the future of the innovation ecosystem still consisted of the same three components. Actors included school corporate executives who led the change in organizations, teachers whose roles were to change to facilitators and coaches, external experts who shared hands-on experiences, parents who deployed a tremendous force in producing student innovators, and external institutes who supplied substantial learning resources. The activities consisted of school management as a learning organization and curriculum and instructional management aimed at unlocking and developing the full potential of students. The artifacts included knowledge, learning resources, technology and platforms, collaborative networks, research, and intellectual properties.

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How to Cite
Tanprasertkul, S., Koolnaphadol, T., & Burasirirak, S. (2022). Innovation Ecosystem in a School Aiming to Develop Student Innovators . Rajapark Journal, 16(46), 147–161. retrieved from
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