The Effects of Project-Based Learning Technique Influencing the study of Competency and Attitude towards English Language Learning of Students in the Faculty of Nursing

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Nootchanart Wattanasiri
Phisulee Sroimori
Charito R. Cruz


This research aimed to (1) compares students' achievement according to English language learning records (2) study the competency in English learning after the project-based learning management (3) study the attitude towards learning English after the project-based learning management, and (4) study the satisfaction of English learning students. This study was designed as quasi-experimental research. The sample group was the 2nd-year undergraduate of 132 students of the Faculty of Nursing, St. Louis College. They were selected by purposive sampling. The instrument for collecting data was the achievement test, English competency development test, aptitude test, and the student satisfaction assessment of project-based learning management. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics including One-Way ANOVA and Pair T-Test. The results showed that 1) the student’s achievement scores post-study were higher than pre-study 2) the well-performed group had more competency in English learning after project-based learning than the medium group and improving group whereas the medium group had more competency after project-based learning than the improving group 3) all sample groups had the overall attitude towards English learning at a moderate level, and 4) all sample groups had a high level of overall satisfaction towards the project-based learning management.

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How to Cite
Wattanasiri, N., Sroimori, P., & R. Cruz, C. (2022). The Effects of Project-Based Learning Technique Influencing the study of Competency and Attitude towards English Language Learning of Students in the Faculty of Nursing. Rajapark Journal, 16(44), 414–430. retrieved from
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