The Development of Legal Framework to Promote Social Enterprises in Thailand

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Maneerat Channew
Prapin Nuchpiam
Wariya Lamlert


This research aims to study the message of thinking with social enterprises as a whole and to study the differences in laws between social enterprises of Thailand and foreign countries, to analyze the state of legal problems related to social enterprises of Thailand, as well as to propose a legal concept framework that helps to support Social Enterprises in Thailand. According to the results of the study, there are many problems and flaws in Thailand's law, which is the definition of social enterprises (SE), the problem of social enterprises’ character, the problem of the social enterprise certification system, the problem by prohibiting the use of social enterprises, the problem of measures to promote social enterprises, and the problem of law enforcement for social enterprises. As a result of the study, the researchers proposed several amendments to the social enterprise promotion and suggested that the government should develop a new legal model for registration of commercial enterprises as social enterprises, especially in the case of foreign countries, as an alternative to the social enterprise promotion act B.E. 2562. In order for social enterprises to thrive, equivalent to countries and, more importantly, to achieve sustainable development.

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How to Cite
Channew, M. ., Nuchpiam, P., & Lamlert, W. (2022). The Development of Legal Framework to Promote Social Enterprises in Thailand. Rajapark Journal, 16(48), 46–60. retrieved from
Research Article


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