Antecedents Affecting the Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) of Tourists toward Tourism in Secondary Cities, “Multicultural”, Community Based Tourism (CBT) Behind the Roman Temple, Chanthaburi Province: The Mediator Role of Memorable Experiences and Satisfaction

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Watcharaporn Kayom


This research aims to study the influence of novelty seeking, experience co-creation, and destination image on electronic word of mouth through memorable experiences and the satisfaction of tourists. This research used quantitative research. A questionnaire was used to collect data from Thai tourists at community tourist attractions behind the Roman temple in Chanthaburi Province. It consisted of 432 people. Analyzed with structural equation modeling (SEM). The results found that 1) novelty seeking, experience co-creation, and destination image have a positive influence on memorable experiences; 2) seeking novelty, experience co-creation, and destination image have a positive influence on satisfaction; 3) memorable experiences have a positive influence on satisfaction, 4) memorable experiences and satisfaction have a positive influence on electronic word of mouth; 5) the highest direct and total influence is satisfaction, while the highest indirect influence is destination image and contributed to the explanation at 77.50 percent; and 6) structural equation modeling is consistent with the empirical data.

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How to Cite
Kayom, W. (2024). Antecedents Affecting the Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) of Tourists toward Tourism in Secondary Cities, “Multicultural”, Community Based Tourism (CBT) Behind the Roman Temple, Chanthaburi Province: The Mediator Role of Memorable Experiences and Satisfaction. Rajapark Journal, 18(56), 37–54. retrieved from
Research Article


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