The Future Trend of Municipality School Administration in The Next Decade

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Jatupol Nomanee
Thidawan Unkong
Santi Buranachat
Numfon Gunma


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the current excellent management of schools under the municipality and 2) to study the future trends of school administration under the municipality in the next decade. Mixed research methods were used. The tools used are: 1) semi-structured interviews; and 2) questionnaires using the EDFR technique with questionnaire efficiency evaluation (IOC) at the 0.84 level. Statistics used in data analysis are mean, standard deviation, median, mode, and interquartile range. The research results found that: 1) The management of schools under the municipality is currently excellent. An additional management structure is based on the focus and objectives to develop towards excellence. An Excellence Department has been added. There is a clear vision and mission towards excellence that is consistent with the curriculum for excellent teaching and learning. The policy of local administrators is an important driving force in developing excellence. 2) The future outlook for municipal school administration in the next decade has 7 categories and 32 indicators, providing an overview of the future outlook for municipal school administration in the next decade. It will happen or come true at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.69, SD = .48) and it is a desired future picture at 99.96 percent. When considering each category, it was found that Category 5: Focusing on Personnel, has the highest average, it is at the highest level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.78, SD = .39). According to the opinions of the experts who provided the information, there is consistency of the opinions (interquartile range Q3-Q1  is not more than 1.5) in every category and every indicator.

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How to Cite
Nomanee, J., Unkong, T., Buranachat, S., & Gunma, N. (2024). The Future Trend of Municipality School Administration in The Next Decade. Rajapark Journal, 18(58), 394–410. Retrieved from
Research Article


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