Digital Integrated Marketing Communication and Image that Affects the Consumers’ Purchase Decision of Fitness Services in Bangkok

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Siriwan Iamsiri
Chairat Kimsawat
Paporn Phuttitanakarn


This research aimed to 1) study the level of digital integrated marketing communication and image and the level of consumers’ purchase decisions of fitness services in Bangkok. 2) To compare the consumers’ purchase decisions of fitness services in Bangkok classified according to demographic characteristics. 3) To study digital integrated marketing communication that affects consumers’ purchase decisions of fitness services in Bangkok. 4) To study image factors that affect consumers’ purchases of fitness services in Bangkok. This was a quantitative study. The sample consisted of 400 people. The sample used in this study was selected from consumers who had used a fitness service in Bangkok, obtained by simple random sampling, and the research instrument was a questionnaire. The reliability was 0.965. The statistical tools used to analyze the data were mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test, and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The research results were found as follows: 1) The level of digitally integrated marketing communication overall is at a high level. The image factor level overall is high, and the level of consumers’ purchase decisions for fitness services overall is high. 2) Consumers with different statuses make different decisions to use fitness services. 3) Digital integrated marketing communications that affect the consumers’ purchase decisions for fitness services in Bangkok, significantly at the level of.05, explaining 46.7 percent of the variation. 4) Image affects consumers’ purchase decisions for fitness services, explaining 43.6 percent of the variation.

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How to Cite
Iamsiri, S., Kimsawat, C., & Phuttitanakarn, P. (2024). Digital Integrated Marketing Communication and Image that Affects the Consumers’ Purchase Decision of Fitness Services in Bangkok. Rajapark Journal, 18(58), 63–78. retrieved from
Research Article


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