The Development of Student Achievement in Learning Media and Toys for Early Childhood Subjects on The Design of Media and Toys According to The STEM Concept of Learning Management Based on The STEM Education Concept Together with The Creative-Based Learning: CBL of Students In The Early Childhood Education Department

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Wilasinee Thongtab


The purposes of this research were: 1) to find the effectiveness of the learning management plan based on STEM education concepts combined with creative-based learning, 2) to compare learning achievement in learning media and toys for early childhood before and after receiving learning based on the STEM education concept together with the creative-based learning, 3) to compare the design of media and toys according to the concept of STEM education; 4) to assess student satisfaction with learning management. The sample group used in the experiment was 23 second-year early childhood education students selected using cluster random sampling. The research instruments consisted of 1) a learning management plan based on STEM education concepts combined with creative-based learning, 2) a test to measure learning achievement in media and toys for early childhood, 3) an assessment of the ability to design media and toys according to STEM education concepts, 4) evaluation form for media and toys based on STEM education concepts; 5) satisfaction assessment form. The research results found that: 1) the effectiveness index of the plan is 0.82, and 2) learning achievement scores after studying were significantly higher than before studying at the .05 level. 3) The score of ability to design media and toys, after receiving learning, was higher than before receiving learning. The results of comparing media and toy works show that after the learning process, performance is higher than before. Additionally, student satisfaction with learning management reached the highest level.

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How to Cite
Thongtab, W. (2024). The Development of Student Achievement in Learning Media and Toys for Early Childhood Subjects on The Design of Media and Toys According to The STEM Concept of Learning Management Based on The STEM Education Concept Together with The Creative-Based Learning: CBL of Students In The Early Childhood Education Department. Rajapark Journal, 18(61), 443–462. retrieved from
Research Article


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