The Effects of Intrinsic Motivation Encouragement Activities on Goal Setting to Learn of Secondary Education Grade 1 Students

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Patchara Koobkhokkruad
Prayut Thaithani


The objectives of this research were: 1) To compare the students' learning goal setting before and after; and 2) To compare the goal setting in the study between the experimental group and the control group. The population were the Mathayomsuksa 1 students, semester 2, academic year 2020, totaling 5 schools, total 5 classrooms, 76 students. The sample group were 41 students from 2 schools which were randomly selected by classroom drawing, and students voluntarily participate in research.  Then, the classrooms were drawn 19 students from Bansila Ruamsamakkee to be an experimental group, and 22 from BanHuai Chorakhe School was a control group. The research instrument consisted of 8 internal motivation promotion activities plans, and a learning goal setting questionnaire. Data were analyzed by t-test. The research results were found that: after the experiment, the goal setting to learn scores of the experimental group’s had were statistically higher than pretest at the .o5 level of significance, and  had goal setting to learn posttest scores statistically higher than control group at the .o5 level of significance.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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