Causal Structural Relationship Model of Youth Leisure Behavior

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Witthaya Yangklang
Yutthana Chaijukul
Piyada Sombatwatthana


The purposes of this study were to examine the consistency of a hypothetical causal relationship model of leisure behavior with empirical data, and the influence of causal relationship factors. Hypothesis testing indicated that the hypothetical model was consistent with the empirical data. The samples were 320 high school students in Nakhon Ratchasima province, which were obtained from multistage random sampling. Data of collection contained one questionnaire with 6 parts: 12 items in each. The verification method for determining the quality of a measuring instrument was a content validation check. and structural integrity check (IOC). The results revealed that the model fit to the empirical data, leisure awareness self-awareness leisure skills and social interaction, which had a direct influence on the decision making of 81 percent. Decision making variables directly influenced on leisure behavior, which were leisure awareness, self-awareness, leisure skills and social interaction indirect influence on leisure behavior by passing on the decision making. All variables accounted for 76 percent of the variance of leisure behaviors.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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