The Guideline of Packaging Development for Banana Chips to Competitive Advantage of Raweewan Community Enterprise of Maechai District, Phayao Province
การพัฒนาบรรจุภัณฑ์, กล้วยกรอบ, ความได้เปรียบทางการแข่งขันAbstract
This research had a purpose to study the guideline of packaging development for banana chips to competitive advantage of Raweewan community enterprise of Maechai district, Phayao province. The data was collected by using interview. The president and member of 10 person, and 30 consumer were target group for this study. The data analysis was content analysis. The results found that Raweewan community enterprise of Maechai district, Phayao province had 10 members, had a division of work as production process, and pay attention to group member. They focused on the banana chips production. That consisted of 2 flavors as sweet and salty. It had identity some frame delicious. For product price was same with competitor and distributed to merchants in the Phayao province and nearby. In addition, they were open their own stores. Currently, the product was selected as One Tambon One Product 4 Star and get a certificate from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Furthermore, the guideline of packaging development for banana chips to competitive advantage considered target setting of the packaging to respond the needs of customers properly. The new packaging emphasized on the design to demonstrate the identity of the product. For the structure of the packaging was brown kraft paper. Reduce environmental pollution, recycle biodegradable and cost savings. But it could add value to the product, leading to competitive advantage.
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