Enhancement of Good Governance in the Democracy’s Way of Sri Tia Municipality, Banthong Lamphun Province
หลักธรรมาภิบาล, วิถีประชาธิปไตยAbstract
The research on Enhancement of Good Governance in the Democracy’s Way of Sri Tia Municipality, Banthong Lamphun Province. Qualitative Research Data were collected by using interview as a research tool. The researcher selected the sample of the sample with leaders who had experience in community management and Leadership of Development .The most commonly accepted was the former two village leaders, 9 village leaders, 6 community leaders, 5 people in the area, and a total of 22 people. The research found that the culture of the community was related to the democratic processes of cultural leaders. Sri Tia Sub-district had been in the process of establishing a community based agreement with respect to seniority, create equality. There were various committees in charge of overseeing the model of good governance through the democratic process of leaders in the Sri Tia Sub-district. Conflicts of interest, determination of direction in government. Identify individuals who will serve the local community. Respect for the principal rights of equality. Freedom and human dignity Democratic rule holds that everyone had equal rights of liberty. Work through the Thai Local Governance Project: A case study of the Sri Tia Sub-district Administration, Banthong District, Lamphun Province by Analyze the principles of good governance and the democratic promotion of leaders in Sri Tia District. Banthong District, Lamphun Province, leader in Sri Tia Sub-district, had adopted the principles of good governance in the management of the community in six aspects: 1) the rule of law 2) The moral. Promote moral awareness 3) Main aspects of transparency. All projects are announced according to official procedures. 4) Participation Every village leader takes part in every step of the way. 5) Responsibility is a collaborative team and 6) the main value. Focus on cost savings in working capital.
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