The factors that were related to students’ happiness level of Bachelor Degree students at Rajamangala University of Techology Lanna Chiangmai.
Happiness LevelAbstract
This research aimed to study the factors that were related to students’ happiness level of Bachelor Degree students at Rajamangala University of Techology Lanna Chiangmai. The samples were 380 Bachelor Degree students at Rajamangala University of Techology Lanna Chiangmai who enrolled in the second semester, academic year 2018 by using Simple random sampling. The instrument was used in this research was the questionnaire which consisted of two parts; general information and students’ happiness level.The questionnaire was classified as Rating Scale (Five levels). The results were analyzed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient was at 0.80. Additionally, there also were percentage, mean score, standard deviation (SD) and Chi-Square had been applied for data analyses. The results showed that students’ happiness level were firstly at moderate level of happiness (69.7%), secondly at low level of happiness (26.9%), and thirdly at high level (3.4%). Factors that were correlated to students’ happiness level: students’ income, students’ education and housing loan. The statistical significance was 0.05.
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