The Communications Crisis in Condition of the New Corona Virus Effected :The Role in Buddhism


  • Nuttawat Tangpatomwong Independent Scholars and Researchers, Communication and Philosophy & Religion, The Paradise Guest House, Near 80 Feet Buddha Statue, Behind Mastipur, Bodhgaya 824231 Gaya India, Wat Pansao Chiang Mai


Buddhism, New Corona Virus., Effected, Crisis, Communications


“Critical Communication” is an essential communication tool. For source messengers that need to be adapted and applied to mitigate the risk in business organizations and services, of their own and relieve anxiety for receivers, Which are the means of communicating in a critical state? As well as how Buddhism plays a role in addressing the crisis communication with the "New Corona Virus (Covid 19)" as the objective. This will cause a slowdown that affects many sectors such as the impact on the world tourism sector to Thailand. Impact on the education sector. Impact on the social sector in various dimensions, as well as opportunities for access to assistance and welfare from the state, where all affected sectors should be subsidized and supported. The guidelines for dealing with the crisis communication on the impact of the new virus covid 19 in various aspects, as a whole should be provided such as risk assessment and planning, the establishment of a special operation center production of media, materials and equipment for protection and maintenance, and education, communication, dissemination and examination, and the role of Buddhism in dealing with crisis communication with 10 beliefs (Kalama Sutra), negligence, consciousness (patience), the dependence of the noble truths 4, Itt Baht 4, Self-Reliance, 10 Principles of an honest man and Unwholesome 10 Principles of an honest man in communicating in the crisis of the impact of the new virus covid 19 to be better, to have a world or justice to protect the world. It is a principle that helps every human being in the world. Living happily, generous, and doing good things. It consists of two principles: Moral Shame and Moral Dread.


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How to Cite

Tangpatomwong, N. (2021). The Communications Crisis in Condition of the New Corona Virus Effected :The Role in Buddhism. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 9(1), 89–104. Retrieved from