Consumption Behavior of Canned Food in Iran


  • Vanida Pimkord Lecturer in Faculty of Economics, Ramkhamhaeng University


Consumption behaviour, Canned food, Chi-square test


The objective of this research is to study food consumption behavior, marketing mix factors, and personal characteristics factors related to canned food consumption behavior in Iran. It was conducted by surveying canned food consumers in the city of Qom, Kerman, Tehran, Mashhad, and other Iranian cities using a questionnaire in 2019. 150 samples were collected and analyzed by using statistics, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and hypothesis testing using Chi-square test.


The results of the study found that personal characteristics of sex, age, marital status, educational qualifications, occupation, monthly income and number of family members were associated with canned food consumption behavior in Iran, while the area of residence was not. For the marketing mix factors which affect the consumption behavior of canned food in Iran, it was found that the subjects gave precedence to good taste, nutritive value, convenience in consumption, and time-saving. At the same time, the canned food must be reasonably priced, easy to find, and offer a variety of sizes, prices, and selling channels. Also, the promotional factors that affected the buying decision were the availability of food tastings, discounts, and giveaways.


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How to Cite

Pimkord, V. (2022). Consumption Behavior of Canned Food in Iran. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 10(1), 25–40. Retrieved from