Developing Virtual Reality Technology and Innovations to Promote Tourism Management Learning


  • Haruethai Asakit
  • Phrutsapong Phetchabun


Innovator, Gamification, Knowledge library


The research study of Developing virtual reality technology and innovations to promote tourism management learning and to develop and promote learning for community innovators to drive community tourism with virtual reality technology and innovation

Population is community tourism entrepreneurs. On route 106, the samples in this study were Ban Pa Puey Community, Ban Hong subdistrict, Lamphun Province. Community innovators considered from the new generation involved in tourism in the community of Ban Pa Puey, Ban Pa Puey community tourism enterprise committee, Ban Hong subdistrict, Lamphun Province. By creating a learning platform to enhance learning on community tourism management It is a tool for creating community innovators. Through the knowledge repository system, VR library and CBT simulation games.

The results showed that development and promotion of learning of community innovators to drive community tourism community-based tourism management, There must be a management system and rules that belong to the community itself can be linked to other developments as for the learning style through the gamification of 12 community innovators from the knowledge library, VR library and CBT simulation games to provide insights into virtual tourism management. Before the development of skills for the innovators, the evaluation results of the quality of technology and virtual innovations in the learning of community innovators were at a high level. (total average 3.78)


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How to Cite

Asakit , H. ., & Phetchabun , P. . (2023). Developing Virtual Reality Technology and Innovations to Promote Tourism Management Learning. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 11(2), 111–128. Retrieved from