Personal Influence and Corporate Environment on Operational Quality in Government Fiscal Management Information System for Accounting Personnel at The Department of Agriculture Extension


  • natee konkham Master's degree, Faculty of Accountancy, Sripatum University
  • Jirapong Channgam Lacture, Degree, Faculty of Accountancy, Sripatum University


Personal Influence, Quality, Financial and Treasury Management System


This research aims to study the influence of personal characteristics and the organizational environment on the performance quality of accounting personnel using the New Government Financial Management Information System (New GFMIS Thai) in the public sector. The study collected data through surveys from a sample group of 209 accounting personnel working in units under the Department of Agricultural Extension. The data were analyzed using Descriptive Analysis for data summary and Inferential Analysis, including Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Regression Analysis for hypothesis testing.

The major findings are as follows: 1) Personal characteristics, including knowledge and abilities in accounting tasks within the New GFMIS Thai system, experience in accounting, and interpersonal relationships at the workplace, positively impact the quality of performance in the new electronic government financial management system. 2)The organizational environment, including budget, technology, and social and cultural aspects, has a positive effect on the quality of performance in the New GFMIS Thai system in terms of accuracy, transparency, and responsibility.


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How to Cite

konkham, natee, & Channgam, J. (2024). Personal Influence and Corporate Environment on Operational Quality in Government Fiscal Management Information System for Accounting Personnel at The Department of Agriculture Extension. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 12(1), 17–34. retrieved from