Value-Added Processing of Organic Rice Products in Phan District, Chiang Rai Province


  • Naphat Thipsri Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiangrai
  • Pattraporn Somsamer Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiangrai
  • Dueanpen Manoreang Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiangrai


Value-Added Creation, Product Process, Organic Rice


The objective of this research was to investigate the creation of added value through the processing of organic rice products in Phan District, Chiang Rai Province. Data were collected from 45 key informants, comprising 15 organic rice farmers and 30 organic rice consumers, representing the target groups for this study. Content analysis was employed to analyze the data. The research findings revealed that a group of a group of organic rice farmers cultivate and sell organic rice primarily to the local community and hospitals. These farmers demonstrate a keen interest in processing organic rice to create added value. This is achieved by transforming jasmine brown rice into ready-to-drink powdered rice mixes, incorporating powdered vegetables such as pumpkin and banana to enhance both nutritional value and flavor. These convenient mixes cater to consumers of all genders and ages. Furthermore, the researchers developed brand designs and packaging to enhance product recognition and stimulate consumer interest. This product aligns with the growing health-consciousness trend, particularly among health-enthusiasts and elderly. The results of this research can serve as a valuable guideline for adding value to organic rice products. This in turn, has the potential to create employment opportunities, generate income, and improve the overall quality of life for farmers, while simultaneously enhancing the competitiveness of organic rice in the market.


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How to Cite

Thipsri, N., Somsamer, P., & Manoreang, D. (2024). Value-Added Processing of Organic Rice Products in Phan District, Chiang Rai Province. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 12(1), 77–88. Retrieved from