Development Guideline of Competitiveness of Chiangrai City Cooperative Limited


  • Naphat Thipsri Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiangrai
  • Wareewan Charoenroop Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiangrai
  • Panthipa Pansuwan Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiangrai
  • Nichaphan Pitiniyomrot Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Chiangrai


Development Guideline of Competitiveness, Chiangrai City Cooperative Limited


The purpose of this research was to investigate the development guidelines of competitiveness of Chiangrai City Cooperative Limited. The target groups of this study include the implementation committee, personnel, buyers, stakeholders involved in tourism in Chiang Rai Municipality, Thai and foreign tourists, and Chiang Rai Municipality enterprises. The research was conducted qualitatively. The data was gathered through in-depth interviews. Furthermore, the data was analyzed utilizing content analysis techniques.

The results of the study showed that the development guideline of competitiveness of Chiangrai City Cooperative Limited consists of the following: 1) The marketing management model has set marketing goals by creating branding and packaging under the supervision of Chiang Rai Municipality. It represents the uniqueness of the product and Chiang Rai Province by specifying the brand name as "Nakhon Chiang Hai". Part of the prototype packaging design adds value to the product by creating products that are from the idea of the local people and uniqueness of the province. 2) Using the apps for the design of the accounting system and internal control has resulted in a combination of using the application, specifically Microsoft Excel, and the point-of-sale program, Smart POS. The architecture includes five accounting systems: income, expenses, advance payments and petty cash, payroll, and fixed assets. 3) The image of tourism found that the level of image perception of tourism in Chiang Rai municipality had the highest image perception in terms of tourist attractions, tourism experience, souvenirs, ease of access to tourist destinations, cleanliness and safety in tourism, and the value of travel. And 4) the community product presentation team in Chiang Rai Municipality has developed a system for exhibiting items in the form of a website that is easily accessible over the Internet and user-friendly.


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How to Cite

Thipsri, N., Charoenroop, W., Pansuwan, P., & Pitiniyomrot, N. (2024). Development Guideline of Competitiveness of Chiangrai City Cooperative Limited. RMUTL Journal of Business Administration and Liberal Arts, 12(1), 1–16. Retrieved from