The Operation for Student’s Desirable Characteristics Development Based on Tzu Chi’s Humanities Approach: A Case Study of Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School

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Phornnapha Luetan
Choochat Phuangsomjit
Ratana Daungkaew


         The objectives of this research were to (1) study Tzu Chi’s humanities approach to be applied in management and operation for development of student’s desirable characteristics; (2) study results of application of Tzu Chi’s humanities approach in the operation for development of student’s desirable characteristics; and (3)  study guidelines for development of student’s desirable characteristics in Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School based on Tzu Chi’s humanities approach.  This research employed a qualitative method. Data were collected via observation and interviewing. 32 key research informants comprised 1 administrator, 7 teachers and school personnel, 12 students and 12 representatives of parents. Data were analyzed with content analysis. Research findings were as follows: (1) Tzu Chi’s humanities approach that was applied in development of desirable characteristics of students at Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School was the 4 principles of Brahmavihara consisting of Metta (loving-kindness), Karuna (compassion), Mudita (sympathetic joy), and Upekkha (equanimity); (2) the application of Tzu Chi’s humanities approach for development of desirable characteristics of Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School’s students results in  enabling the students to acquire the awareness and understanding of the ideal of perfect human being which in turn enables them to be students who possess virtues, ethics, patriotism, the love for religion, and the love for the monarchy; moreover, they obey the rules, have discipline, are honest, are grateful for their parents, have avidity for knowledge, live sufficiently, have volunteer-mindedness, and help the others without expecting any reward; and (3) as for guidelines for development of student’s desirable characteristics in Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School based on Tzu Chi’s humanities approach, the school should develop learning activities management and follow-up activities, and the teachers and parents should be allowed to cooperate in organizing activities to instill virtues and ethics in the minds of the students.

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How to Cite
Luetan, P., Phuangsomjit, C., & Daungkaew, R. (2020). The Operation for Student’s Desirable Characteristics Development Based on Tzu Chi’s Humanities Approach: A Case Study of Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School. STOU Education Journal, 12(2), 144–154. Retrieved from
Research Article


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