The Role of Counselor for Promoting Character Strengths of Job Burnout University Lecturers

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Achara Nuntasri
Sitiporn Kramanon


This academic article aims to present the counselor's role in promoting character strengths to job burnout university lecturers. Character strengths, derived from positive psychology, are the positive aspects of an individual's inner personality that can help reduce job burnout. They can create work satisfaction, happiness, engagement, job appreciation, and meaningful life. Therefore, it is essential to promote character strengths to persons with job burnout, particularly university lecturers. This paper describes the concepts of job burnout, character strengths, and how to conduct counseling to promote character strengths and reduce job burnout. The counselor’s role for job burnout university lecturers is to encourage the clients to recognize their character strengths through an 8-step process together with various techniques, namely strength memories, strength journal, strength cards, wheel of life, taking in the good, the hope chest, and mindfulness exercises.

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How to Cite
Nuntasri, A., & Kramanon, S. (2021). The Role of Counselor for Promoting Character Strengths of Job Burnout University Lecturers. STOU Education Journal, 14(2), 1–14. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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