The Development of Board Games Production Model for Education in Thailand

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Ratchaneewan Tangpakdee


       The purposes of this research were to the development of board games production model for education in Thailand. The research sample consisted of 7 board game development experts, 6 specialists in media production and educational games and 14 user representatives. The research instruments consisted of structured interview, focus group log and model certification form. The data were analyzed using summary interpretation, frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The research results indicated that the Board games production model for education in Thailand, which 1) consisted of  The six components of board games production for education in Thailand were (1) Objectives of educational board games production, (2) Educational board game players, (3) Content used to produce educational board games, (4) Time for the use of educational board games, (5) Location for the use of educational board games  (6) Budget for educational board games production and  2) The twelve steps of  board games production for education in Thailand were  (1) Set game concept and types, (2) Set game theme, (3) Set game ending, (4) Set game mechanics, (5) Set communication in game, (6) Set game rules, (7) Make a game prototype, (8) Test game by experts, (9) Test game by players, (10) Produce materials in game, (11) Make a game handbook and (12) Make a game packaging.

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How to Cite
Tangpakdee, R. . (2022). The Development of Board Games Production Model for Education in Thailand. STOU Education Journal, 15(2), 117–132. Retrieved from
Research Article


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