Academic Management Innovation Creating STEM Education Innovators for Application in Real Life Situations

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Watcharaporn Amonsak
Ponglikit Petpon
Pruet Siribanpitak


         The objective of this study was to develop an academic management innovation creating STEM Education innovators of secondary schools based on the concept of real life applications of STEM education. This study was a multi-phase mixed method research. The research sample included a total of 296 secondary schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission out of the population of 2,358 schools.   The key informants were divided into 3 groups, namely, school administrators, heads of academic administration group, and teachers teaching the STEM education courses in secondary schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission, all of whom were obtained by multi-stage random sampling of schools and informants. The tools used in research were a questionnaire on current conditions and desirable conditions of academic administration based on the concept of applying STEM education in real life, and a scale for assessment of the feasibility and suitability of the academic management innovation of secondary schools based on the concept of real life applications of STEM education.  Data were analyzed by using the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Priority Needs Index Modified (PNImodified) and content analysis. The academic management innovation draft No.1 was synthesized. Then the feasibility and suitability of academic administration innovation draft No.1 were evaluated by 17 experts.  After that, the first draft was adjusted to become the academic administration innovation draft No. 2.   Then the feasibility and suitability of the draft No. 2  were evaluated by 9 experts in the focus group discussion to adjust and draft the complete academic administration innovation. The research findings showed that the academic management innovation to create STEM innovators for real life application was composed of 3 main components: (1) curriculum innovation creating STEM innovators to solve life, work and economic problems; (2) instructional innovation creating STEM innovators to solve life, work and economic problems; and (3) measurement and evaluation innovation creating STEM innovators to solve life, work and economic problems.

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How to Cite
Amonsak, W., Petpon, P., & Siribanpitak, P. (2022). Academic Management Innovation Creating STEM Education Innovators for Application in Real Life Situations. STOU Education Journal, 15(2), 72–85. Retrieved from
Research Article


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