The Effects of the Development of Executive Functions in Emotional Control of Mathayom Suksa IV Students at Wat Papradoo School by Using a Guidance Activities Package

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Sunita Huakhao
Nitipat Mekkhachorn
Jirasuk Suksawat


         The objectives of this research were to 1) compare the levels of executive functions in emotional control of the experimental group students before and after using a guidance activities package; and 2) compare the levels of executive functions in emotional control of the experimental group students learning with the guidance activities package and the control group students undertaking normal guidance activities. The research sample consisted of 78 Mathayom Suksa IV students in two intact heterogeneous classrooms of Wat Papradoo School in Rayong province who received the lowest scores in executive functions in emotional control.  Then they were randomly assigned into an experimental group and a control group with 39 students in each. The employed research instruments included 1) a guidance activities package, 2) normal guidance activities, and 3) a scale to assess executive functions in emotional control with a reliability coefficient of .87.  Statistics employed for data analysis were the mean, standard deviation, and t-test. Research results revealed that 1) after the experiment, the post-mean score of executive functions in emotional control of the experimental group students was significantly higher than before using a guidance activities package at the .01 level of statistical significance; and 2) after the experiment, the post-mean score of executive functions in emotional control of the experimental group students who used the guidance activities package to develop executive functions in emotional control was significantly higher than the post- mean score of the control group students who undertook the normal guidance activities at the .01 level of statistical significance.

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How to Cite
Huakhao, S., Mekkhachorn, N., & Suksawat, J. (2022). The Effects of the Development of Executive Functions in Emotional Control of Mathayom Suksa IV Students at Wat Papradoo School by Using a Guidance Activities Package. STOU Education Journal, 15(2), 147–160. Retrieved from
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