Effects of Group Dynamics Activities Integrating with Islamic Principles on Enhancing Positive Psychological Capital and Life Skills of Children and Youths in the Emirate Orphanage House

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Nateeya Wanyawa
Ariya Kuha
Mahdee Waedramae


        The purposes of this research were to study (1) the effects of group dynamics activities integrating with Islamic principles on enhancing positive psychological capital of children and youths in the Emirates orphanage house, and (2) the effects of group dynamics activities integrating with Islamic principles on enhancing life skills of children and youths in the Emirates orphanage house. The research sample consisted of 20 children and youths in the  Emirates orphanage house who had scores on positive psychological capital and life skills at the low to moderate levels and were willing to participate in group dynamics activities. The employed research tools were 12 group dynamics activities, each of which lasted for 60 minutes; a scale to assess positive psychological capital and a scale to assess life skills, with reliability coefficients of .94 and .81 respectively.  Statistics for data analysis were the mean, standard deviation, and Wilcoxon test.  The research findings revealed that 1) the post-experiment positive psychological scores of children and youths in the Emirates orphanage house, who participated in the group dynamics activities, were significantly higher than their pre-experiment counterpart scores at the .01 level of statistical significance; and (2) the post-experiment life skills scores of children and youths in the Emirates orphanage house, who participated in the group dynamics activities, were significantly higher than their pre-experiment counterpart scores at the .01 level of statistical significance.

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