Assessment for Learning in Chinese Speaking Skill of Eighth Grade Students by Using Task -Based Learning

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Nuttatida Kemaphiluk
Chatsiri Piyapimonsit
Sareeya Chotitham


        The purposes of this research were 1) to develop the assessment for learning in Chinese speaking skill by using TBL (Task-Based Learning), 2) study the results from assessment for learning in Chinese speaking skill by using TBL (Task-Based Learning). The sample consisted of 45 students in eighth grade. The research instruments consisted of 4 lesson plans, speaking skill assessment form, students work assessment form and interview form. Data analysis were frequency, percentage and content analysis. The research results were as follows: 1) Assessment for learning in Chinese speaking skill by using TBL (Task-Based Learning) was characterized for students to improve their Chinese speaking skills through task-based learning management. It also provided students with positive feedback and opportunities for students to assess or check their own learning for apply the results of the assessments to develop students' speaking skills and teacher’s teaching. 2) The results of using Assessment for learning in Chinese speaking skill by using TBL (Task-Based Learning) revealed that the Chinese speaking skill and work pieces of students were passed the assessment specified criteria (at least moderate level). The result of students interview about Chinese speaking skill by using TBL (Task-Based Learning) revealed that students have improved their Chinese speaking skill and they could take the results for planning to improve their Chinese speaking skill.

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How to Cite
Kemaphiluk, N., Piyapimonsit, C., & Chotitham, S. (2022). Assessment for Learning in Chinese Speaking Skill of Eighth Grade Students by Using Task -Based Learning. STOU Education Journal, 15(2), 225–239. Retrieved from
Research Article


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