The Development of Online Teacher Professional Development Program to Enhance Learning Management Ability in STEM Education of Freshman Science Student Teachers

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Patcha Dokmai
Surayot Supprakob
Janesuk Potisart
Prathan Prachopchok


This research aimed to 1) develop an online teacher professional development program to enhance learning management ability in STEM education of science student teachers, and 2) study the results of experimenting with the program. The participants included 26 freshman science student teachers with no basic knowledge of the teaching profession and science learning management, enrolling in the STEM education course in the academic year 2021. This research and development consisted of 4 phases: 1) studying problems and needs, 2) designing and developing the program,
3) experimenting with the program, and 4) revising the program. The instruments included a STEM education assessment form, a STEM learning management ability assessment form, a semi-structured interview form, a student journal, and a teachers’ reflective journal. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and content analysis. The findings revealed that 1) the program covered the following contents: science learning management connecting to STEM education, designing STEM lesson plans and conducting online microteaching, combining face-to-face teaching with online group activities, and concluding the learning. 2) The results of experimenting with the program found that the student teachers increased their knowledge of STEM education, moreover, their ability to design STEM lesson plans and their online microteaching were rated at a good level.

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