A Study of Management on Non-Degree Programs and Credit Bank Systems of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University and Open Universities in Asia

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Niranart Sansa
Sumalee Sungsri
Koolchalee Chongcharoen
Sita Yiemkuntitavorn
Ratana Daungkaew
Darunee Jumpatong
Wannaprapha Suksawas


The present study aimed to study studied the management of non-degree programs and credit bank systems and propose related policies. Phase 1 studied the management of non-degree programs and credit bank systems. The participants were chief executives, lecturers, officers, and university students including the study of document of 5 open universities. The research instruments were questionnaires and recording forms. Phase 2 examined the proposed policies regarding the management development of non-degree programs and credit bank systems. The participants were experts, lecturers, officers, and university students. The research tool was a guided focus group interview. The research revealed that 1) the management of non-degree programs and credit bank systems of STOU was generally at a high level. This included a strong technological infrastructure and the use of various information media. Policies and organizational arrangements were clear, and the curriculum and teaching methods align with the needs of the students. While the management of non-degree programs and credit bank systems of the other open universities in Asia demonstrated that each university has established responsibilities based on the government’s guidelines that helped promoting the life-long learning policy. In phase 2, (1) some of the proposed policies in relation to the management of non-degree programs were as follows: (1.1) The universities should adopt a national policy to enhance lifelong learning. (1.2) The universities should determine the target groups for non-degree curriculums that cover all ages. (2) some of the proposed policies on the management of the credit bank system were: (2.1) The government should establish standard qualification frameworks for universities to use as a reference for knowledge and experience transfer. (2.2) The government should create agencies to oversee the standards for knowledge and experience transfer, and (2.3) There should be committees responsible for monitoring and evaluating the performance of operations at all levels.

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How to Cite
Sansa, N., Sungsri, S., Chongcharoen, K., Yiemkuntitavorn, S., Daungkaew, R., Jumpatong, D., & Suksawas, W. (2023). A Study of Management on Non-Degree Programs and Credit Bank Systems of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University and Open Universities in Asia. STOU Education Journal, 16(2), 256–274. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edjour_stou/article/view/263108
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