An Effect Size Analysis of Whole School Improvement Innovation on Students’ Socio-emotional Attributes

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Nuttaporn Lawthong
Warunee Lapanachokdee
Vorachet Saejea
Purin Thepsathit


This study aimed to analyze the effect size of Whole School Improvement Innovation on students’ socio-emotional attributes. The research sample consisted of 518 upper primary and lower secondary students obtained by multi-stage random sampling. The employed research instrument was a self-assessment inventory for TSQP students that was adapted from SENNA Inventory 2.0, which measured five socio-emotional attributes: open-mindedness, conscientious self-management, engaging with others, caring for others (amity), and negative emotion regulation. The instrument was a three-level rating scale questionnaire containing 29 items. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and effect size analysis. Then, statistical tests, including chi-square test,  Cramer’s V, and one-way MANOVA, were performed. Results revealed that students’ mean scores of five socio-emotional attributes were at the medium level. In addition, students in schools under different participating networks that used different learning innovations, had significant differences in four attributes, including open-mindedness, conscientious self-management, engaging with others, and caring for others (amity) at the .05 level, excepting the attribute of negative emotion regulation, which no significant difference was found.

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How to Cite
Lawthong, N., Lapanachokdee, W., Saejea, V., & Thepsathit, P. (2023). An Effect Size Analysis of Whole School Improvement Innovation on Students’ Socio-emotional Attributes. STOU Education Journal, 16(2), 221–242. retrieved from
Research Article


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