A Competency Development Model for Instructional Management of Teachers Who Teach Kindergarteners by Using Thai as a Second Language Based on Teaching Professional Learning Community Concepts

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กุญช์ภัสส์ พงษ์พานิชย์


The research objectives were 1) to create the competency development model of

early childhood teachers to instruct early childhood students using Thai as a second language based on the concept of teaching Professional Learning Community and 2) to identify the quality of the competency development model of early childhood teachers to instruct early childhood students using Thai as a second language based on the concept of teaching Professional Learning Community. The sample group consisted of 2 groups which were 1) the sample group used for exploratory factor analysis to identify the elements and indicators of the competency development model of early childhood teachers to instruct early childhood students using Thai as a second language. The sample group consisted of 478 directors and teachers who taught early childhood students using Thai as a second language and 2) the sample group of the draft of the competency development model of early childhood teachers to instruct early childhood students using Thai as a second language consisted of 3 school directors and 3 teachers who taught early childhood students using Thai as a second language. The research instruments were 1) the questionnaire on the opinion of the experts on the consistency of the definition of the elements and the competency indicators to instruct of the teachers 2) the questionnaire on the opinion of the experts related to the draft of the competency development model of early childhood teachers to instruct early childhood students using Thai as a second language 3) the form to record the group conversation of the experts to improve the competency development model of early childhood teachers to instruct early childhood students using Thai as a second language 4) evaluation form on the competency development model of early childhood teachers to instruct early childhood students using Thai as a second language. Exploratory factor analysis, mean, Standard Deviation and content analysis were used. The results demonstrated that:

  1. The competency development model of early childhood teachers to

instruct early childhood students using Thai as a second language consisted of 4 elements which were 1. development principle 2. Development process which was comprised of awareness step, attend to knowledge and skill step, active learning step and assessment and reflection step. 3. evaluation and development reflection

  1. The quality of the competency development model of early childhood teachers

to instruct early childhood students using Thai as a second language in terms of feasibility, propriety, accuracy, and utility were in the highest level. 

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How to Cite
พงษ์พานิชย์ ก. (2019). A Competency Development Model for Instructional Management of Teachers Who Teach Kindergarteners by Using Thai as a Second Language Based on Teaching Professional Learning Community Concepts. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 6(1), 118–144. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hssnsru/article/view/213068
Research Articles


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