Novel Metaphors : Creativity in Thai Entertainment News

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นภัทร อังกูรสินธนา
อาภิสรา พลรัตน์


News language is a register which is completely different from other registers, especially entertainment news.  The entertainment news reports events of people in entertainment business. Although this kind of news is popular among a wide range of readers, a reporter is required to use a variety of language techniques to attract readers’ interest. One tactic found was using the metaphor. This research aimed to study the Novel Metaphors in Thai Entertainment News. The data was collected from 12copies of  TV Pool magazines,  from January to  March 2017. The results showed that many Novel Metaphors have been found in Thai Entertainment News. In addition, there is a combination of concepts between the source domain and the target domain which corresponds to what Han (2011)mentioned ‘metaphors using in the news was provocative’. As a result, a number of metaphors have been found in the news, especially the news on ‘novel metaphor’ that is new creation or the new metaphors (which is) created from the existing ones.

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How to Cite
อังกูรสินธนา น., & พลรัตน์ อ. (2019). Novel Metaphors : Creativity in Thai Entertainment News. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 6(1), 277–305. Retrieved from
Editorial Note


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