Techniques for Didactic Expressions in Isan Didactic Literature

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กิติราช พงษ์เฉลียว


This article aims to study the techniques for didactic expressions in Isan didactic literature by investigating 8 literary work pieces of Isan teachings, including Thammadaasonlohk (The Ordinary Moral Practices for the World), Phya Khamkong Son Phrai (Count Khamkong Teaches Common People), Yaa Son Laan (Grandmother Teaches Grandchildren), Gaap Bpoo Son Laan (Grandfather Teaches Grandchildren Poetry), Gaap Laan Son Bpoo (Grandchildren Teach Grandfather Poetry), Inthiyaan Son Look (Inthiyan Teaches Daughters), Thaao Khamson (Mister Khamson), and Heetsipsong Khlongsipsee (The 12-Month Mores and Practices and the 14 Moral Norms for All). The findings indicate various techniques for didactic expressions including: 1. Language techniques for clarification entailing emotional attraction, exemplification and comparison, a play on words, rhetoric, and idioms for melodic aesthetics, which encourage moral recognition and demonstrate philosophic competence of the composers. For this reason, the language technique makes one effective technique among the others bringing about creditability in didactic literature. 2. The teaching techniques through characters referring to lessons given by socially creditable persons, for example the city ruler (Phya), grandfather, grandmother, father, and the members of monasteries. 3. The teaching techniques through previous stories involving exemplification of folklore characters as a way to avoid monotony of lesson presentation. The teachings are thus demonstrated in a form of a tale in a tale identifying a character as an example of norm under a particular teaching. 4. The teaching techniques through religious doctrines demonstrating lessons in combination with good practices in Buddhism, beliefs in Brahmanism and Hinduism, and the traditional norms of Isan region. With the didactic technique showing the right practices supported by norms and religious beliefs, it makes the adherence and practice possible and unquestionable.

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How to Cite
พงษ์เฉลียว ก. (2019). Techniques for Didactic Expressions in Isan Didactic Literature. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 6(1), 352–399. Retrieved from
Editorial Note


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