Leadership Style and Success of Tourism Operators in the Northern Region

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Sumeth Tuvadaratragool
Parinya Bunjongmanee


The research aims 1) to study leadership style of tourism operators in the Northern Region, 2) to study success factors of tourism operators in the Northern Region, 3) to compare the success of tourism operators in the Northern Region classified by personal factors, and 4) to compare the success of tourism operators in the Northern Region classified by leadership style. A total sample of 162 tourism operators, who are operating tourism business in the Northern Region. Questionnaire was employed as data collection tool. Statistics used included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Independent-Samples t-test, One-Way ANOVA, and Scheffe’s Method.

The result showed that most tourism operators in the Northern Region have transactional leadership, the overall success factors of tourism operators in the Northern Region are at high level, the tourism operators who have difference in age, monthly income, education, registered capital, and number of employees differently pay attention to the success of tourism operators in the Northern Region at 0.05 statistical significance level, particularly, the tourism operators, who are 61 years old and over, earn a monthly revenue of  150,001 Baht and over, complete a master’s degree, have registered capital of 2,000,001 Baht and over, and have 11-15 employees, pay relatively more attention to the success than other groups, and the tourism operators who have difference in leadership style differently pay attention to the success of tourism operators in the Northern Region at 0.05 statistical significance level. Particularly, the tourism operators who have a transformation leadership style pay relatively more attention to the success than those having other styles.

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How to Cite
Tuvadaratragool, S., & Bunjongmanee, P. (2020). Leadership Style and Success of Tourism Operators in the Northern Region. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 7(1), 153–168. retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/hssnsru/article/view/240338
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