Problems and Importance for the Implementation of Local Ordinance Consistent with the Context of City Planning

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Darika Phothiruk


This article aims to present the problem of providing the local ordinances in accordance with the comprehensive plan which is the authority of the local administrative organization ordered by the central government. The local administrative authority allows to plan and formulate the city planning within any responsible area based on the establishing regulation of any local administrative organization. This authority is the governance according to the decentralization principle that the central government transferred the administrative operation to the local administrative organization for providing some public services in order to operate self-government according to the will of the people in the locality. The comprehensive plan is the regulation that determines the operation involving with the controllable planning, formation, and city planning enforcement. This is the tool that the state government uses to be a development and guideline frameworks for some objectives. The enactment of local ordinances may give some conflicts between the policies from the central government and the requirements of the people in the locality. Moreover, the lack of knowledge of local officers and budget, the complexity of laws, as well as the politic issue can cause the necessary problems and obstacles. Therefore, the local ordinances will become an issue for the development and obstruct the execution of comprehensive plan use.

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How to Cite
Phothiruk , D. . . (2020). Problems and Importance for the Implementation of Local Ordinance Consistent with the Context of City Planning . Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 6(2), 61–68. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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