The Transmission of Mangkala by The Way of Scholar in Lower Northern Thailand

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Supachai Teelakun
Khomkrich Karin


            Article titled The transmission of Mangkala by the way of scholar in Lower Northern Thailand is one part of the research titled The transmission of Mangkala in higher education by the way of scholar in Lower Northen Thailand. Objectives of this study aims at presenting the inheritance of Mangkala Musical Instrument by the Way of Village Scholars in the Lower Part of Northern Region of Thailand. This study is Qualitative Research by using Research Methodology in Humanities Sciences. Village Scholars of Mangkala Musical Instrument Bands in 3 provinces were selected by purposive sampling. Each Mangkala Musical Instrument Band in each province which has inherited more than 40 years was selected to gather information by interview and field survey.

            Research results show that the Inheritance of Mangkala Musical Instrument is for respecting the teachers or the sacred items before they enter into steps of learning Mangkala Musical Instrument. There are 4 forms of processes of the Inheritance of Mangkala Musical Instrument in 3 Mangkala Musical Instrument Bands as follows: 1) In-house Mangkala Musical Instrument Inheritance 2) Outside home Mangkala Musical Instrument Inheritance 3) Inheritance from work experience 4) Inheritance from performance at real situation. It was found that history of Inheritance of 3 Mangkala Musical Instrument Bands, there was no source exactly or where did they derive. There are some notes to show that these musical instruments were found in various provinces and it can be traced back to only persons who had ever been members of those musical instrument bands for 3-4 generations. Inheritance Ritual for 3 Mangkala Musical Instrument Bands disclosed that there are 3 Mangkala Musical Instrument Inheritance Rituals as follows: 1) Annual paying respect teacher 2) Paying respect teacher before doing performance 3) Students Acceptance Ritual

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How to Cite
Teelakun , S. ., & Karin , K. . (2020). The Transmission of Mangkala by The Way of Scholar in Lower Northern Thailand. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 6(2), 191–209. retrieved from
Research Articles


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