The New Paradigm Management Model of The Agricultural Products of Public Warehouse Organization (PWO)

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Nattawut Jiengpet
Nantaphon Kanchanawat


The objective of the research is to create a New Paradigm Comprehensive Management Model of The Agricultural Products of Public Warehouse Organization (PWO) which integrated agricultural product management. By using qualitative research methodology Consists of document research In-depth interviews Quantitative research And listening to opinions With the management of agricultural products of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and India and private sector organizations in Thailand Which is a way of analyzing

The research found out that there are 3 Parts of the integrated agricultural products management composes of Part 1 Research and development; Production and increasing productivity; Development quality of product; Analysis cost and production process; Analysis production on season. Part 2 Storage; Product processing and value-added of agricultural products; Transportation of agricultural products. Part 3 Development of agricultural product market and development production; Market distribution to domestic and international. The model of the integrated management of the Public Warehouse Organization must adopt this 3 Parts of the management for implementation as well.

Research suggests to amend the Royal Decree establishing the Public Warehouse Organization for the implementation of the new integrated agricultural product management model.

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How to Cite
Jiengpet , N. ., & Kanchanawat, N. . (2020). The New Paradigm Management Model of The Agricultural Products of Public Warehouse Organization (PWO). Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 6(2), 261–275. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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