Ecological Sustainability and Property Regimes in Western Forests in Thailand: A Critique of Political Ecology and Culture

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Worawit Noppakaew


This research aimed to study community life and natural resource management on the framework of community's cultural ecology and property regime changes in natural resource management. To study the appropriate proprietary regime in the management of natural resources of communities that are related to ecological sustainability in Western Forests. Through the criticism of political and cultural ecology. This research is a qualitative research. Collect data from key informants, by observation, interviews, and participation in the symposium to study insights.

  The study found that the Karen community, Mae Chan basin, in the middle of the western forest there is a cultural life that is related to nature, both people, mountains, creeks, trees and wild animals that cannot be separated from each other. All have interactions and create meaning between people and nature. There is a Common-Pool resource management through the beliefs and teachings of "Hermit" or "Isi" and the original knowledge of the community. But from not accepting the cultural rights and the traditional belief system of the community. The state also emphasizes only state and private proprietary. Causing people in the community to encounter problems of living. As for the form of community proprietary regime that is related to ecological sustainability found that the communities adhere to the system of Common-Pool resource management rights in the cultural area together. Temporary collective rights system for a living and arrange green zone for conservation according to the teachings of Hermit along with cultural movements through ecological consciousness.

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How to Cite
Noppakaew, W. . (2020). Ecological Sustainability and Property Regimes in Western Forests in Thailand: A Critique of Political Ecology and Culture. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 6(2), 288–304. Retrieved from
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