Thai Dramatic Dance affecting the Tourists’ Behavior in Heritage Tourism Nakhonsawan Province

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Nongluk Piyamingcra
Yananda Siraphatthada
Krisada Sungkhamanee


The present study aimed to study the factors affected towards tourists’ behaviour  in a particular tourist attraction and the forms of dancing art  affected towards the tourists’ behaviour. The study was done with the means of mix method between quantitative and qualitative method. The samples were 1,803,791 Thai tourists who found at various tourist attraction in Nakhon Sawan in 2018 The samples were defined by estimating observable variable as 1: 20. The 180 samples were chosen with sample random sampling of the tourists at 16 tourist attractions in Nakhon Sawan. Then, the check and confirmation were done with in - depth interview of the administrators in the government and private agency which concerns about dancing  art and tourism by purposive sampling as 16 people. The data were  analysed with descriptive statistics, structural equation model and  confirmatory factor. The result showed that

  1. The factors ; affected the tourists’ behaviour in terms of community way,

community culture,  community custom and community history were reliable and had statistically significant consistency. Community culture was the most reliable, on the other hand, community custom was the least reliable in all reliables. The analysed results of behaviour elements of the tourists concerning the aspects of the return, making recommendation, tourist attraction, tourist service and tourist market were reliable and had statistically significant consistency. Tourists’ behaviour with the return was highly reliable while the aspect of tourist service was less reliable.

             2. The forms of dancing art performance affected the tourists’ behaviour concerning the presentation of the origins of community culture was the most impressive and also had influence on the tourists. Moreover, there should be the performance form of the changing community or society context . The performance of dancing art, therefore, plays an important role towards being part of tourism promotion in the province. As the related organisation including government sector, private sector and community can adjust the performance of classical dancing, it will be considerably beneficial to tourist attraction. The activities concerning community culture can best attract the tourists’ behaviour to let them willingly visit the places again and also publicise via the various kinds of social media.

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How to Cite
Piyamingcra, N. ., Siraphatthada, Y. ., & Sungkhamanee, K. . (2020). Thai Dramatic Dance affecting the Tourists’ Behavior in Heritage Tourism Nakhonsawan Province. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 6(2), 353–365. retrieved from
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