The Identity of Music and Performance Phu Tai People In Kuchinarai District, Kalasin Province

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pittayawat pantasri
Pariyat Namsanga
Wutthisit Jeerakamon



The purposes of the current study were 1) to study Music  and  Performance of Phu Tai ethnic in Kuchinarai District, Kalasin Province and 2) to investigate factors contributing changes in Music and Performance of the ethnic. The study was conducted in a qualitative design. The instruments were a questionnaire, a structured interview, and an observation. The samples were selected using purposive sampling method. The typological analysis and analytic induction were used in data analysis. The data collection took place in October 2018- September 2019. The results of the study were as follows.

            The musical identity of Phu Tai people in the area included 1) Sor Bung Mai Phai (Acoustic Bamboo fiddle), 2) Sor Bung Mai Phai Fai Fah (Electric Bamboo fiddle), 3) Khan (Isan traditional woodwind), 4) Pin (Isan acoustic stringed instrument), 5) Pin Fi Fah (Isan electric stringed instrument), and 6) Percussion. One song found to be in rituals was “Fon Moa Yao” and two songs found to be in performances were “Serng Bung Fai” used in celebrating bamboo rocket festival and “Fon Phu Tai” used in ceremonies held to pay respect for teachers.

            In terms of performance identity, the ethnic had unique costumes including 1) Phu Tai outfit, 2) Sabai (breast cloth), 3) Pa Tung, Pa Sin, Pa Mudmi (long silk skirt), 4) Pa Mud Muay Pom (Hair band) or Pa Prae Mon (Another hair band). Moreover, uniqueness in jewelry ware was also found as performers usually wore silver necklaces, linin belts, Krajoun (earrings), and waistbands. Phu Tai people also had iconic dancing performances which could be divided into 16 acts of Phu Tai dances, 2 acts of Moa Yao dances, and 9 acts of Bung Fai dances.

            Both internal and external factors seemed to affect the wisdoms of Phu Tai people in the area. Changes of social values, modernization, ignorance of local wisdom, lack of face to face knowledge transfers were found to be internal factors while social interaction and online cultures were found to be external factors affecting both braches of art.

            The results of the study also indicated that music and performance passed through the socialization processes of 1) self and social standard learning, 2) implantation of cultural and social identity, 3) adaptation to modern society disciplines, and 4) self-awareness of identity in order to remain in the modern society.

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How to Cite
pantasri, pittayawat, Namsanga, P., & Jeerakamon, W. (2020). The Identity of Music and Performance Phu Tai People In Kuchinarai District, Kalasin Province. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 7(1), 138–152. Retrieved from
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