The Guidelines for Promoting English in OTOP Tourism Community of Nong Nom Wua Sub-District, Lat Yao District, Nakhon Sawan Province

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Thanaphat Sonthirak


The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the guidelines for promoting English in OTOP Tourism Community of Nong Nom Wua Sub-District, Lat Yao District, Nakhon Sawan Province by participation of the community and 2)to develop language skills English for the community for use in communication within the community. Key Informants were executives, sub-district leaders, village headman, cultural council and people in OTOP Tourism Community of Nong Nom Wua Sub-District, Lat Yao District, Nakhon Sawan Province. In-depth interview, form Participatory observation, Group conversation, and workshop were used. The findings are as follows: Potential of cultural tourism management is ready for cultural tourism management. There is a source to learn history, Life style, Customs, traditions and local wisdom that indicate community identity. Tourism has developed the existing learning resources and developed new learning resources using English to promote tourism and use English to communicate in the community and realized the value create awareness of the management of capital and resources in the community. Heritage and traditions and local wisdom Training of knowledge in English for use in communication in the tourism community. Collaboration of all sectors Information system management, Organizing folk culture information systems, Guidelines for promoting English from interviews with people in the community are needed knowledge and skills in using English for communication. Therefore, there is a training to educate English communication skills to be used with tourism communities when foreign tourists come to visit the community in advance.

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How to Cite
Sonthirak, T. (2020). The Guidelines for Promoting English in OTOP Tourism Community of Nong Nom Wua Sub-District, Lat Yao District, Nakhon Sawan Province. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 6(2), 15–27. Retrieved from
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