Field note: the interview of Topone teacher, the lecturer of Mon Culture Center at Wangka Village, Sangkhlaburi District, Kanchanaburi

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Ratchanon Yimrayub
Warin Supaporn
Nawarat Nugsiang


Wangka village, Sangkhlaburi District, Kanchanaburi is the village with strong musical culture. It can be seen from the villagers’ high participation and interest in their Mon musical art as well as preservation of the ancient tradition practiced from their ancestors’ time. Another noticeable thing about Mon in Wangka village is the belief in Buddhist. Everybody strictly obeys the Five Precepts, no alcohol and tobacco selling found in the community of Wangka village and the promote of morning monk offer activity are the selling point of Wangka village attracting tourists. These things reflect the belief in Buddhist of Wangka villagers and this might be the reason the author is impressed in Mon community of Wangka village. The details of Mon music obtained from field work became the component of the research as the important part was to get to know the villagers who were friendly and to gain experiences by participating with people and the place. These were the components of knowledge and experience that will be with the author for a long time.

There were many people the author had a chance to closely interview and one of them was Topone teacher, the lecturer of Mon Culture Center at Wangka Village, Sangkhlaburi District, Kanchanaburi as the interview with Topone teacher was the channel to get to know the network of people and places beneficial for the research development.

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How to Cite
Yimrayub, R., Supaporn, W., & Nugsiang, N. (2020). Field note: the interview of Topone teacher, the lecturer of Mon Culture Center at Wangka Village, Sangkhlaburi District, Kanchanaburi. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 7(1), ึึ77–88. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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