The Art of Traditional Folk Dancing Entitled Soeng Homdang in the Chaicumphun Subdistrict, Laplae District, Uttaradit Province

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Kanijtimon Limpanarom
Nuttapat Mahayosanan
Phasisutha Mahayosanan
paroonjak akkararassakul


The study on creative folk dance entitled Serng Homdang in Chaichumpon Subdistrict, Laplae District, Uttaradit Province was intended to study the history and background of the dance, the components of the dance created by Miss Pornthip Manyuan, sage villager in Chaichumpon, Laplae, Uttaradit, and the role of the dance performance in the socio-cultural context. The research instruments were a researcher-constructed interview form, digital camera, video camera, and tape recorder.

The results show that the Serng Homdang folk dance depicts the shallot farming practiced by villagers in Chaichumpon, Laplae, Uttaradit which is recognized as an important shallot farming area for quality in Thailand. Miss Pornthip Manyuan invented the dance to show a unique way of making a living of the villagers. With regard to the dance components, there are 15 dance postures including standing, one-sided arm waggling, glancing, soil digging, sabat chip, two-sided arm waggling, straw covering, walking, watering, colander carrying, basket preparing, shallot picking, sweat wiping, being abashed and ending. It is a partner dance in which a male performer wear a keng shirt and kamuh pants, while a female dancer wear a keng blouse and lablaeng skirt (Sin Dam Puk). The dance props include a colander, a basket of shallot and a hoe. Though music and songs can be selective and are not specifically assigned, Isaan Lai Toey Khong music is typically used as its fast, cheerful beats are considered well accompanied with shallot farming activities. Serng Homdang plays a role as a local identity that brings about pride among community members, as a communication tool for the outsiders to understand the social context of Chaichumpon, as a representation of aesthetic value in the way of life, as a local performance for welcoming guests on various occasions, and as a physical and mental health promotion activity for the elderly.

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How to Cite
Limpanarom, K. ., Mahayosanan, N. . ., Mahayosanan , P. . ., & akkararassakul, paroonjak. (2021). The Art of Traditional Folk Dancing Entitled Soeng Homdang in the Chaicumphun Subdistrict, Laplae District, Uttaradit Province. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 8(1), 28–39. Retrieved from
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