The Ecological Concept in the Literature of “By The Bank Of Brokenhearted River” By Pibulsak Lakonpol

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Kanrawi Patphithak
Warawat Sriyabhaya
Boonyong Ketthet
Warunya Yingyongsak


This research aims to analyze an ecological concept in the literature of “By The Bank Of Brokenhearted River” written by Pibulsak Lakonpol, a Thai national artist in the literature area in 2017. The “By The Bank Of Brokenhearted River” literature was awarded to the honorable mention literature in 2013 by the Green Globe Institute, PTT Public Company Limited. It was also regarded as the best short literature in 2018, which was published in the period of King Rama IX, related to the concept of the King Bhumibol’s philosophy awarded by the Office of Literature and History, the Fine Arts and Department, the Ministry of Culture. This research was analysed by using the concepts reflected from the content provided in the literature, the concepts apart from the content in literature, the author's biography, and the concepts of literary criticism. It can be concluded that “By The Bank Of Brokenhearted River” contains two important ecological concepts, namely the world view concept and conservation, and the development concept. The first ecological concept can be classified into three levels which are the individual view of (i) natural living and non-living things and (ii) objects, the social and cultural view, and the supra-mundane view including the belief in ghosts, samsara, and spirituality of everything.

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How to Cite
Patphithak, K. ., Sriyabhaya, W. ., Ketthet , B. ., & Yingyongsak, W. . (2021). The Ecological Concept in the Literature of “By The Bank Of Brokenhearted River” By Pibulsak Lakonpol. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 8(1), 90–108. Retrieved from
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