The Results of Active Learning with Group-Individual Technique, Numbered Heads Together Technique, Modeling Technique, Singing Technique, Debate Technique, Role-Playing Technique, and Group Discussion Technique on Learning Behavior, Educational Achievement, and Satisfaction with Learning of Thai Tourism Geography Course

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patcharee dinfa
Prayut Surasana


This study is experimental research aimed 1) to compare the learning behavior before and after classes of undergraduate students in an elective course arranged with active learning with group- individual technique, numbered heads together technique, modeling technique, singing technique, debate technique, role-playing technique, and group discussion technique, 2) to compare educational achievement in Thai tourism geography course before and after classes of the students having active learning, 3) to compare educational achievement in Thai tourism geography course of the students who had active learning and 60% criteria and 4) to examine satisfaction of the students before and after active learning. The populations in this study were 50 persons who were randomly selected with purposive sampling method. The research instruments included 1) an instruction plan of Thai tourism geography course, 2) a 25-item learning behavior evaluation form, 3) a 20-item test for educational achievement assessment and 4) a 7-item survey form for satisfaction before and after the Thai tourism geography course.

       The findings revealed that 1) the learning behavior of the students who had active learning with group individual technique, numbered heads together technique, modeling technique, singing technique, debate technique, role-playing technique, and group discussion technique after classes is higher than before classes with statistical significance at . 05 . 2 ) The educational achievement after classes in Thai tourism geography course of the students who had active learning was higher than before classes with statistical significance at .05. 3) The educational achievement in Thai tourism geography course was higher than 60% criteria with statistical significance at . 05 . 4 ) The students were highly satisfied with active learning in the Thai tourism geography course.

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How to Cite
dinfa, patcharee, & Surasana, P. . (2021). The Results of Active Learning with Group-Individual Technique, Numbered Heads Together Technique, Modeling Technique, Singing Technique, Debate Technique, Role-Playing Technique, and Group Discussion Technique on Learning Behavior, Educational Achievement, and Satisfaction with Learning of Thai Tourism Geography Course. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 8(1), 109–123. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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