Slang reprimanding on Twitter

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Jakkrin Junlaprom


On Twitter, though massages are tweeted in limited number of words each time, with more freedom of communication than other online media, a lot of harsh words have been posted, especially the reprimand. Hence, slangs are used to communicate in order to avoid the straightforward use of ordinary reprimanding words.
This article is a part of research “Slang on Twitter: The Reflex of Thai Society”. There are two part of research’s purposes: 1) function of Slang and 2) the reflex of Thai Society”. One of function is reprimanding.
Slang reprimanding on Twitter is divided into three groups: 1) Specific slang is a slang word that is made exclusively, not used in common language, and understood by only group of users. For example, “bong” means failure. 2) General slang is a general communication word but it has been changed to the other meaning still linked to the original meaning. For example, “dinosaur” means conservative people, “longan” means annoyed. 3) Artificial slang is a slang word modified from a general word to have a different word formation from its origin. No matter to define a new meaning or not, both the form and the new meaning are still connected with the original form and meaning. It is divided into 3 sub-categories, including using abbreviations such as "E.H." means E Hah, E Hia, E Hoghug, using spoonerism word such as "Dee Og” means EE Dok and using prank word divided into 4 ways: pronunciations, syllables, intonations, and spelling differing from original words. For example, "I Hiam" comes from the word "I Hia" and "I Sus" comes from the word "I Sut".
The studies showed that there are several ways to create slang on Twitter but with same purpose to reprimand society and individual involved in social activities. In addition, the use of slang also avoids the straightforward reprimanding words which risks breaking the law.

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How to Cite
Junlaprom, J. . (2021). Slang reprimanding on Twitter. Humanities and Social Sciences Nakhonsawan Rajabhat University Academic Journal, 8(1), 58–71. Retrieved from
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