The Development of English Speaking Ability for Communication of the 4th Year Students of Lampang Rajabhat University
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This Research aims to develop an English for Communication IPPCE instructional model instructional model to enhance listening-speaking abilities of Thai undergraduate students, English program, Faculty of Education, Lampang Rajabhat University. The objectives were 1) to develop an English for Communication IPPCE instructional model to meet the efficiency criteria of E1/E2 = 75/75, which compare the percentage averages of formative assessment scores with summative assessment scores, and 2) to investigate the effectiveness of the instructional model by to compare speaking abilities of the students before and after given the instruction and its effect size. The research instruments were 1) the speaking English coursebook 2) the speaking ability tests. The sample was 30 Thai fourth-year undergraduate students, majoring in English program, Faculty of Education, in class of 2020, by using simple random sampling. Data were collected and analyzed by fundamental statistics including mean, standard deviation, effect size, and dependent t-test.The findings were as follows. 1) The instructional model reached the efficiency by comparing the percentage of formative assessment scores (E1) = 77.51 with summative assessment scores (E2) = 79.40, which was higher than the established requirement of 75/75. 2) After implementation of the instructional model, the learning evaluation revealed the findings the average scores of speaking abilities in posttest were significantly higher than pretest scores at the 0.05 level, and its effect size was very large.
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